in Monograph

Learning Path <1>

This is my first time – note taking in English & publish to the web. I’d never done it before,just hoping I can finish the writing smoothly and correctly.(English Language is still being a ghost that’s frightening me everyday. So,forgive me if I made any grammar or vocab mistakes.)

September 13,2020 – 1:30 AM (MMT)

All the thing that I want to do since my university days was to create own IDE. I’m also teaching kids about Micro:Bit & Scratch , so I really want to make a thing as Block Programming + ROS with local language(Burmese) supported. The first thing that I found out tonight is Google Blockly – that’s famous open-source library. I’d known that Micro:Bit MakeCode is also based on that thing and OttoDIY also publish their offline/web IDE with this Blockly.

First of all , I’ve no idea how to start. I think I’m good at investigating things (like a detective,HaHa). One remark thing – every time you’ve to start new thing , please directly go to their Documentation. There exists fundamentals that need to start a project. I found this Google Code Lab link to learn Blockly and I finished ‘Getting Started’ tutorial. Bravo!

When I try on it , the unknown things appear again , Javascript / XML / HTML . I’d never written a full Javascript code before. This is also a beginning for me . Please , push me to the end , God , not to stop in progress(like burning straw fire). So , that difficulties lead me to the Github and I explored how Blockly IDEs built. Blockly-React , Blockly-webpack , I still have to figure out that thing. I don’t know it’s easy to learn or not. Huuuuh

The first one that attached in my mind is Open-Roberta project. Even their UI isn’t beautiful , their platform supports for multiple robot types. That’s awesome.

Another one is Code it by Human-Center Robotics Lab. They provide detailed resources also , like Papers,Video & Presentation files(Publications/Wiki). That’s totally awesome. When I checked their publication, I saw an interesting paper that they published during 2020. Its’ name included ‘ConCodeIt:…..’. What’s that? There’s video attachment in that paper – so ,it’s presenting about Concurrency Interfaces in Block-Based Visual Robot Programming.

What’s concurrency? As my understanding, it means ‘parallel works’ like your robot will be smile while its hands are shaking. I also have to read details more. When I drive into it, I found another Javascript named Cycle.Js. I’m totally crazy right now. WTF are these things. So , that cycle.js can be combined in robotics things to provide Reactive Programming. I can’t explain that term generally, my brain is now limited. Here’s a presentation about it that explaining about reactive programming in robot applications (especially ROS).

I agree that I don’t know anything , enough knowledge. I’ve to fill out as soon as possible. Time is ticking. When I would like to build a web Block IDE and link with ROS , I may have to use Robot web tool , so noted here.

That’s all for today . Good Morning! It’s 2AM right now. I’ve to sleep. Should I share this blog on social media ? Ha ha , crazy again. But I must tweet it on twitter. Anyway , wish to continue that kind of note taking activity can carry on the next days,I’m writing & recording for myself. But it can also give some insights for the readers , it’s more delightful.